The Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera Plant Care

The Aloe Vera plant is a succulent. Botanical name: Aloe barbadensis. Like many succulents, it does not like temperatures below 32 ° F.

There are about 300 or so species of aloe vera. If you live in a climate that never gets below 32° degrees Fahrenheit, your aloe vera should do fine outdoors. But be careful not to place it in full sun, the extreme sunrays during mid-summer can scorch the fronds on this plant

However, if you live in a colder type of climate, you can still use them as a houseplant. During winter you should only water about once or twice at most per month.

It’s best to soak thoroughly and then let it dry out before watering again.  It does not like fertilizers except for light cactus juice once or twice per year will do.

In its natural habitat, the Aloe Vera plant will live for over one hundred years.  It is not a cactus species plant but its own species.

Does Aloe Vera Help with Minor Cuts?

It’s known to make the healing process faster.  According to Wikipedia, it is used for pharmaceutical purposes. Inside the plant is a gel-like substance that helps with minor cuts, burns, rashes, and stings from bugs or other plants.

The Aloe Vera
The Juice from the Aloe Vera does help with minor cuts and burns. Image by punnamjai from Pixabay

Aloe Vera Plant Care

During the summer months, you should let this plant dry out before watering again. When you do water be sure you soak it well.  It also produces a lot of shoots or babies from the bottom side.  You can remove it and plant it in the cactus soil for another Aloe Vera.

It is not susceptible to insects and diseases.  On occasion, mealybugs will attack this plant, but it is rare. Learn more about insects and diseases on plants.


These plants do not need much care including fertilizer.  You can use a balanced fertilizer diluted to half strength once every few months during the growing season. Be careful not to over-fertilize as it can lead to burning the roots. Cactus is an excellent product to help the Aloe Vera plant grow and thrive.

Lastly, let’s talk about repotting. Aloe vera plants like to be slightly root-bound, so you don’t need to repot them often. However, if you notice that the plant has outgrown its current pot or the roots are becoming crowded, then it’s time to repot. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and use fresh potting soil.

Taking care of an aloe vera plant is not only easy but also incredibly rewarding. With proper care and attention, your aloe vera plant will thrive and provide you with its amazing benefits for years to come!

The Aloe Vera Plant

Color Your World Garden Nurseries will always have this type of plant available year-round. Need more information just click here

There are many types of succulents to use for indoor decoration.  These plants retain water making them water-tolerant.  For the most part, they like dry soil and do not like fertilizers or constant care. Here is more information on the Types of Succulent Pictures.

Orchids are another indoor houseplant that will bloom for months at a time.  How to Care for Orchids.

Indoor House Plant Names


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