Drought Tolerant Plants Southwest
Drought tolerant plants Southwest. Here is a list of plants that will survive the Desert Southwestern droughts! Most will survive with moderate to little watering (once established). These trees, shrubs, and plants will survive the southwestern dry drought climate.
Many will need water only until established this could be 1 year or up to 3. This depends on how much you originally watered and the placement of the plant or tree.
These drought-tolerant plants are a smart option for Xeriscaping both home yards and commercial spaces. The Ocotillo requires consistent watering during its first year to establish strong roots. After that, you can let natural rainfall take over, making it a low-maintenance and efficient addition to your landscape.
Use a good drip system for your low-watering plants, trees, or shrubs the Rain Drip R547DP Low Flow Sprinkler Kit rain drip system will do the job.
Below is a list of drought-tolerant plants for the Southwest.
Drought Tolerant Plants Southwest
Below is a list of drought-tolerant plants.
- Desert Willow – Beautiful purple flowers all summer long. The shrub has multiple trunks and low water once established.
- Ocotillo – Tall slender branches and exceptionally low water usage, bright orange, or red blooms in early summer.
- Creosote – Low Water, yellow blooms start in February, tolerate heat. The Creosote bush can survive without water for up to two years.
- Chinaberry – Fast-growing tree, yellowish balls in fall, good shade tree, moderate watering.
- Pinon – Thrives in the desert mountains. Low Water evergreen. 15 ft tall and wide.
- Red Bird of Paradise – 2 varieties of Red or Yellow Flowers, low water once established. ft tall and wide. Full sun.
- Cottonwood – Tree, fast grower moderate water once established, roots are invasive. Up to 60 ft high.
- Bur Oak – Deciduous tree, gray-brown bark, thick hairy shoots, and dark green leaves with long white hair beneath.
- Verbena – Good ground cover, several flowering colors, low water once established.
- Eldarica Pine – Evergreen tree, Desert pine, or Mondell pine. Fast growers thrive in the desert heat.
- Live Oak – Evergreen tree, moderate water good ornamental tree.
- Mexican Sage – 4ft tall 2 ft wide. Purple-pink and white flowers until the first frost.
- Lantana – 3ft. tall and wide. Varieties have colors red, blue, purple, and yellow. Will flower during summer. Good ground cover.
- Texas Ranger Sage – Silver-colored leaves, low water purple flowers in late summer or early fall. Makes a good hedge shrub, 6ft tall and wide.
- Green Cloud Sage – Same as above but with dark green leaves, little water nice purple flowers in late summer. Makes a good hedge shrub.
- Pink Rockrose – Evergreen. Likes poor dry soil, low water 3′ tall 8′ wide.
- Centennial – 4ft tall 5 ft wide, evergreen, resists root rot, violet clusters like the wisteria.
- Apache Plume – White color rose flower, 8ft tall and 5 ft wide, produces feathery purple fruits.
- Yellow Elder – 5ft tall and wide sometimes called Tecoma stans. Bright yellow flowers in June and through Early December.
- Butterfly Bush – 8ft tall 6ft wide. Deciduous, purple flower spikes.
- Mescal Bean – 15ft tall and wide. Also called Texas Mountain Laurel. An evergreen with violet-like clusters of wisteria-like flowers.
- Russian Sage – 3-4 ft tall with summer-long blooms, and purple-like flowering spikes.
- Damianita – Petite evergreen shrub yellow blooms from spring to fall. Loves the full sun. Low Water
- Green Palo Verde – Deciduous Tree, 20 ft tall green trunk with thorns, good ornamental tree
- Blue Palo Verde – Deciduous Tree, 40 ft tall blue-green trunk with thorns, good ornamental tree.
- Cactus Barrel – Bright orange flower at the top of a plant, roots are not deep. Large hooked spines or needles.
Low Watering Plants
- Honey Mesquite – 45ft tall and wide, with multiple trunks. Yellowish orange blooms and thorny branches. Moderate water at first then very drought tolerant produces bean-like pods.
- Mexican Fan Palm – 45ft tall and 20ft wide. Low water once established.
- Red Tip Yucca – 4ft tall and 4ft wide. This exceptionally low water shrub is evergreen with pink to rose red, bell-like flower cluster on a 4-6′ spike.
- Italian Cypress – Beautiful narrow columnar evergreen. 40 ft high and 3-4 ft wide. More Watering Plants
- Cactus Plants – Plant water once left alone! It does not like fertilizer…use Cactus Juice instead.
- Desert Honeysuckle – Clusters of orange or red tubular flowers in the spring. 3′ tall and wide.
- Rabbitbrush or bush – Drought tolerant Xeriscaping plant. Easy-care yellow Rabbitbrush or Chamisa. The blooms will flower out in about September.
- Low water. Photos of desert honeysuckle and vines
- Drought Tolerant Tree: Photos
- Here are juniper photos and information
- Be sure to use a good Drip System for Your Drought Plants.