Shrubs Southwest

Shrubs for the Southwest

These Shrubs for the Southwest will do well in the lower elevations of the Southwest. Most require little to moderate watering once they are established. Be sure to click on the desert landscape photo for more information or zone requirements.

Many of these plants are available at Guzman’s Garden Centers located in Las Cruces, NM.  Or ask for them at your local nursery.

If you have any questions about the southwest plants below please contact us here
Or call us at; (575) 521-0496. We will be happy to help you.

Shrubs for the Southwest
Scientific Name: Erysimum linifolium
Full sun or partial shade – USDA Zone: 8b-10
Bowles Mauve’ is a great perennial that will flower into late spring.  Also called the purple wallflower.

The flowers are four-petaled in spikes and bright mauve-pink to lilac in color.

Shrubs Southwest
Bowles Mauve Plant


Agave – Maguey Scientific Name: Agave
Full Sun- Zone: USDA Zone: 8b-10
Agave is a desert shrub with many varieties. Easy care and very low maintenance plant.

They can survive drought conditions. This variety is also called the “century plant”. No fertilizer for this type of plant. Drought tolerant – in all zones.Shrubs Southwest

Check out more desert plant names and pictures below.

Scientific Name: Nandina Domestica
Full Sun-partial shade – USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 C (-10 F)The Nandina Domestica, is an excellent shrub or bank plant. Reddish Foliage in spring and fall. Also called “Heavenly Bamboo”.  A good stand-alone plant that requires moderate watering and looks good in Xeriscape gardens.

Shrubs for the Southwest

Butterfly Bush
Scientific Name: Buddleia davidii
Sun: Full or partial shade – USDA zones: 6-10
Beautiful spikes and bright purple to lilac in color. About 6-8ft. tall. Click here for MORE butterfly-Bush information.



Spanish Broom
Scientific Name: Spartium junceum L.
Sun: Full Sun – USDA zones 4a-9 (up to 8000′)
Fantastic, beautiful spring yellow flowers. A semi-evergreen shrub grows up to 8ft. tall.

Shrubs for the Southwest

Red Leaf Photinia
Scientific Name: Photinia fraseri
Sun: Full Sun-partial shade – USDA zones 7a: to -17.7
Reddish Foliage almost all year. Can be used as a shrub or hedge plant, about 6-7ft tall…

Shrubs for the Southwest

Hardy Red Oleander – Scientific Name: Nerium oleander
Full Sun – USDA Zones 8-10.
Hardy Red Oleander. This desert landscape shrub is beautiful red blooms all summer long. Likes warmer temperatures may be stressed in colder climates. Grows up to 20ft tall.

Dwarf Japanese Barberry
Scientific Name: Berberis thunbergii
Full Sun USDA zones 7a: to -17.7
Dwarf Japanese Barbery is also called “Crimson Pygmy”. densely branched form displaying deep crimson-colored foliage all season long, best in full sun. Excellent for small border or hedge. 2ft. tall and 4ft wide.

Southwest Shrubs

Scientific Name: Yucca elata
Sun: Full Sun – USDA Zones 5 thru 10
The Soaptree Yucca – About 6ft tall in the southwestern area. The flowering spike can add another 4-5ft. to the height.

Shrubs Southwest

Scientific Name: Leucophyllum Frutescens Sun: Full Zones 8-7a or 7b Green Cloud Sage beautiful purple summer blooms. Evergreen low to moderate watering. Can be used as a stand-alone shrub or hedge.
More Texas Sage Photos

Shrubs Southwest

Scientific Name: Salvia Clevelandii
Full Sun – USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 C (20 F)
Salvia Clevelandii or Chaparral Save – Beautiful long-stemmed blooms about 5 – 6ft tall. Moderate water and excellent entrance accent shrub.

Shrubs for the Southwest
Chaparral Sage


Scientific Name: Fouqueiria splendens – The Ocotillo : Fouquieria splendens. 
Full Sun – USDA zone 8 & 7a – 7b
Desert Landscape Tree or Shrub. The Ocotillo can be used as a tree or shrub. Beautiful bright orange spring blooms. Green foliage in summer and gray in winter about 8-10ft tall.

Full Sun – USDA zone 8 & 7a – 7b Desert Landscape Tree or Shrub. The Ocotillo can be used as a tree or shrub. Beautiful bright orange spring blooms. Green foliage in summer and gray in winter about 8-10ft tall.  Many people think it is in the cactus family but it is not.  This is a great plant to use as a border plant as is has thorns that are sharp and long and will keep unwanted guests from entering your area.

Shrubs for the Southwest
Southwestern style house with rock garden landscaping


Prickly Pear Cactus Scientific Name: (Genus Opuntia)
Full Sun – USDA zone 8 & 7a – 7b
Desert Xeriscaping Shrub. The prickly pear cactus is a very hardy cactus in the southwest. Very drought tolerant and easy-care cactus. Plant them and you can leave them alone.  Click here for more information about this cactus.

Shrubs of the Southwest
Two Purple Prickly Pear Cactus on each side of this Southwestern Style Home


The Rabbit bush or brush (Asteraceae Chrysothamnus) is a drought-tolerant plant that requires no care.  You plant it and forget it.  Produces yellow blooms during the spring season.  It thrives in poor soil and loves full sun.  This brush bush will live about 20 years or so.  It is rare to find this plant at nursery stores.

Desert Plants
Rabbitbrush or Chamisa (Spanish) blooming in late summer in the high desert of northern New Mexico


Check out more Plants for the southwest right here.