
Changing pH in Soil - Acid or Alkaline Conditions

Changing pH in Soil – Acid or Alkaline Conditions

Changing pH in Soil – Acid or Alkaline Conditions.  So what exactly is pH? In layman’s terms, it means a scale used to specify the acidity or alkaline conditions of the soil.  Ideally, you want a neutral reading on a pH meter.  But some plants like acidic soil and others like alkaline soil. In and […]

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Soil amendments for gardening

Soil amendments for gardening – Does gardening require soil amendments? Yes, it does.  The soil in the southwest is poor.  We recommend Back to Earth Compost for planting trees, shrubs, and other larger outdoor type plants.  We recommend using it at about a half and half ratio. Half native soil and the other Back to […]

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Composting Mistakes

Composting Mistakes

Composting Mistakes.  Composting is a wonderful way to recycle plant waste and amend the soil in any sized garden. One of the most fascinating things about compost piles is that they are essentially living systems that require proper maintenance. For a better composting experience, here are five of the biggest composting mistakes to avoid. Five […]

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