Garden Safety
What is Horticultural Oil? How can it Help Your Garden
What is Horticultural Oil? If you’ve ever struggled with pests in your garden, you’re not alone. Horticultural oil might be the simple solution you’ve been looking for. It’s a specially refined oil, typically made from petroleum or plant-based sources, that’s mixed with water and sprayed onto plants. It’s been used for decades to manage insects […]
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How Climate Change is Impacting Plants
How Climate Change is Impacting Plants. Plants and trees are at the heart of every ecosystem, providing food, shelter, ornamental value, and clean air. They’re also deeply connected to our daily lives, from what we eat to how we breathe. But as global temperatures rise and weather patterns shift, plants are under serious threat. Climate […]
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Invasive plants in the Southwest
Invasive plants in the Southwest. Managing invasive plants is a challenge in the Southwest due to its unique climate and ecosystems. These plants can harm native species, damage habitats, and strain water resources. Below is a detailed guide to some of the most problematic invasive plants affecting the region. 1. Tamarisk (Saltcedar) Description: A fast-growing […]
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Organic Gardening Tips Beginners
Organic Gardening Tips Beginners. If you are a novice in the world of gardening and want to explore the wonders of organic gardening, then you have come to the right place. Organic gardening is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your health. It involves growing plants and vegetables without the use of […]
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Neem Oil to Kill Insects on Plants
Neem Oil to Kill Insects on Plants. Neem Oil is a good natural remedy for killing insects, and let me tell you, it is absolutely 100% organic. Clarified hydrophobic neem oil kills insects bad insects and the good ones too. It suffocates their breathing holes. This wonder oil has been used for centuries in traditional […]
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Edible Garden Paradise
Harvesting Beauty: Crafting an Aesthetic Edible Garden Paradise Edible Garden Paradise. The allure of a garden is undeniable, offering respite from the daily grind and a connection to nature’s beauty. What if one were told that their garden could be more than just a feast for the eyes? Imagine a landscape that not only pleases […]
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Poisonous plants in the Desert
Many are toxic to humans and pets, but some are more toxic than others. The thing to know is that all plants have some degree of toxic qualities in them. The number of toxins in all plants varies, others only produce mild to severe reactions when touched. Some will only irritate the skin.
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Watering Plants During Drought
Watering plants during drought season. Around the Southwest, the drought season is every year starting in late spring and lasting until mid-fall. The lakes are low and water rights are always going through legal maneuvering. A few clouds around the horizon but they rarely amount to anything. It is tough to conserve water when you […]
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10 Gardening Hacks Every Gardener Should Know
10 Gardening Hacks. If you want to set up a small garden in your home, we want you to know about these 10 amazing gardening hacks first. These hacks will make it easy for you to take care of your new garden and prevent the common problems faced by other beginners. So let’s get started. […]
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