What are the Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems and How to Fix Them

What are the Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems and How to Fix Them?

Last updated on December 14th, 2024 at 10:01 am

Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems. In this article, we will talk about the most common aloe vera plant problems and how to fix them. Aloe barbadensis miller, well known as aloe Vera, is a succulent with Arabian Peninsula origins and with over 500 species worldwide. 

Like many other garden plants, aloe vera requires special attention when it comes to maintenance. Common issues include leaf fading, shaky aloe plants, and aloe plants that become grey. 

Some of these issues may occasionally be brought on by the natural environment, while other issues may result from improper aloe plant maintenance. Let’s investigate what might be wrong with your aloe vera now.

Common Aloe Vera Problems and Solutions

Aloe vera turning gray

When they are in shock, the aloe vera turns gray. This happens particularly when there is a sudden shift in its surroundings, such as when you put it outside for some sun and there is an increased amount of light dramatically.

Although aloe plants don’t have problems with the sun and they can tolerate it, you should carefully adjust them by offering them some mild shade adjustment. In any other way, your aloe plant will get sunburned. To help it heal, put your sun-damaged aloe plant in the shade for a few days.

aloe plant will get sunburned

Mushy leaves and roots

An aloe vera plant’s mushy leaves and roots are a sign of root rot brought on by overwatering. Aloe leaves develop water-soaked areas as a result of a bacterial infection. The leaves become mushy and break as the rot spreads deeper into the plants.

As a result, water your aloe only when the soil is nearly dry (during the summer), also avoid letting your potted aloe lie in a bowl of water, and try to use a well-draining potting mix or soil.

Even though it’s almost impossible to revive sick aloe plants, you can recover yours by repotting it while the infection is still in the early stages. Reduce the moisture in the pot and stop additional fungus infections on the roots by repotting aloe vera plants into barely wet, sterile potting soil.

Every time you water your aloe vera plant, mix around 2 tablespoons of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide with 1 gallon of water and use this mixture around the plant’s base and roots. 

In addition, for you to eliminate germs surrounding the plant roots, hydrogen peroxide also improves soil/potting mix aeration and reduces the chances of further root rot situations.

Aloe vera sticky leaves

So, in case your aloe vera plant has sticky leaves, it’s good for you to check the leaves’ underside, so you can rule out any insect-pest infestation. When you can be sure about the cause of the stickiness on your aloe vera plant leaves, take the right treatment action. 

If the problem comes from chemical residues, you can rinse off the residues with water. However, in case the problem comes from insect pests, you can use neem oil or horticultural soap for non-toxic treatment.

Flat, thin, and curling aloe vera leaves

Aloe vera leaves should develop naturally away from the plant’s base and upwards. Therefore, if yours have flat leaves, there may not be enough light. Even though too much light causes aloe plants to become brown, you should make sure they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunshine each day.

On the other hand, when the leaves are thin, curling indicates that your plants are dry and the soil moisture level is low. As a result, the plants are forced to use their own liquids in order to survive. In this situation, give your plants the water they need and keep the moisture level stable at all times.

aloe vera turns gray

Final Words on What are the Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems and How to Fix Them!

 Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems

Those are the four most common issues with the aloe vera plant, and their treatments are listed above. Now that you are aware of the causes of your plant’s behavior, caring for it will be much simpler for you. Please share your aloe vera plant care stories in the comments section below.

Learn more about How to care for indoor plants.

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