low water plants
Desert Front Yard Landscaping Ideas
Desert Front yard landscaping ideas. If you live in the desert Southwest, you can do a lot to dress up your front yard or re-landscape it. As we all know the summer heat is brutal on non-native plants. This post focuses on low-water plants and trees that are colorful like Lavender, Verbena, Lantana, and outdoor […]
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Watering Plants During Drought
Watering plants during drought season. Around the Southwest, the drought season is every year starting in late spring and lasting until mid-fall. The lakes are low and water rights are always going through legal maneuvering. A few clouds around the horizon but they rarely amount to anything. It is tough to conserve water when you […]
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Small Desert Plants
Small Desert Plants for the southwest. These small cactus plants are great for a small Xeriscape landscape design. Most will require little water and will tolerate full hot sun…perfect for those small hot places that are bare.
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