Redbud trees

The Redbud Trees

Last updated on December 22nd, 2024 at 03:57 pm

Care of the Redbud Trees

The Redbud Trees are small to medium-sized deciduous (leaves will drop winter) trees that bloom in early spring.  The majority of them grow about 15-30 ft. tall which makes them a great candidate for a small backyard or patio.  They produce small finger-like deep dark lavender blooms that will eventually turn into a heart-shaped leaf.

Redbud trees can tolerate poor soil but will grow and do better if you plant them in good soil.  A good organic type of soil will work great.  Types of Redbud trees are Oklahoma, Mexican, Eastern, and Western Varieties.

All redbud trees will produce pods which means there will be some maintenance and cleanup in late summer or fall.

Do these trees need lots of water?

Yup, they do especially during the mid-summer heat keep them well-watered during the first 2-3 years after initial planting.  Fertilize with a good all-purpose tree fertilizer.  An analysis of 19-8-10 will work well.  Check for aphids and borer damage when the tree starts to leaf out. They are susceptible to borers so find out more about borers here.

The Redbud Trees

Below is full-grown majestic Eastern Redbud surrounded by trees and grass.  Gorgeous long sweeping branches with dark lavender blooms in mid-spring.

The Redbud tree during mid-summer.  It produces nice dark green heart-shaped foliage that will last until late fall.

The Redbud Trees

The Redbud tree blooms below.

Types of Redbud Trees

Eastern Redbud – Cercis canadensis

It is a moderate grower and one of the taller species is this one will grow 30 to 35 ft. tall and wide.  It does need at least moderate watering, especially during the hot mid-summer heat.  Plant them in full sun for bright lavender blooms in mid-spring.  They can tolerate partial shade however they will not bloom as often.

They will do great in the Southwest USA region, but it is best to water and fertilize often.

The Redbud Trees
Eastern redbud tree in full bloom with a sprinkling of wildflowers in the surrounding grass.

Mexican Redbud – Cercis canadensis var. Mexicana
A bit more drought-tolerant and shorter than the Eastern redbud.  It will grow to about 15 to 20 ft. tall and the foliage will turn a nice glossy green color.  A great tree for a small to medium-sized backyard. A very good-looking tree that for autumn colors the foliage that will turn a bright gold color.

Oklahoma Redbud – Cercis canadensis var. Texensis ‘Oklahoma’
Grows about 15 to 20 ft. tall within time.  Bright small dark purple flowers in early spring.  It will lose its leaves in late October or early November depending on when the first freeze arrives. It thrives in the full hot sun but needs extra watering during the summer months.

Western Redbud – Cercis Occidentalis ‘Claremont’
This redbud tree will grow to about 15 ft. tall and about 20 ft. wide.  It is drought tolerant once it becomes established, usually about the 3rd or 4th year.   It will lose its leaves during the winter months the foliage color is the same foliage as the Oklahoma redbud.

The Redbud Trees

These are perfect trees for a small patio or backyard area. There are a lot more redbud trees that you can use for landscape purposes.  Many are small about 10-12 tall.  Check them out over at

The Redbud tree is a good tree for the southwest.  Here are more trees that do well in and around the southwest area.  Trees for the southwest.

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