Paul Guzie
Gerbera Daisies in Pots
Gerbera Daisies in Pots will do well outdoors or indoors. But first what are Gerbera Daisies? It is a tender perennial in cool climates and an annual in the Southwest hot regions. It is a colorful plant that blooms bright orange, yellow, red, and pink flowers. They love to be planted in pots but will […]
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Anthurium indoor plants
They like moist organic-rich soils. Anthurium plants like lower light settings they won’t do as well in front of a large window with lots of light shining through. Place them further back in the room or where the sun does not reflect off their shiny foliage.
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The Texas Mountain Laurel Tree
They grow up to 15-maybe 20 ft. tall and about 15 ft. wide. It loves full sun and thrives in and around the southwest. It is a moderate water tree once it becomes established. Typically, after the third year of planting. The pods, flowers, stems, and bark are highly toxic.
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Early Blooming Trees and Plants
Early blooming trees and plants in New Mexico include varieties like desert willow, redbud, and apricot trees. These typically begin flowering during late winter or early spring, brightening the landscape after colder months. Native plants such as sand verbena and globemallow may also start showing their blooms early, depending on rainfall and temperature patterns. Factors […]
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Best pots for indoor plants
Best pots for indoor plants. Indoor pottery will come in a wide range of colors, materials, and sizes. Choosing the Best Pots for Indoor Plants Terra-Cotta Clay Pots These types of pots are unglazed and are made of clay. They are fired up at temperatures of more than 1500 F. They are porous which means […]
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The Redbud Trees
Redbud Trees are small to medium-sized deciduous (leaves will drop winter) trees that bloom in early spring. The majority of them grow about 15-30 ft. tall which makes them a great candidate for a small backyard or patio. They produce small finger-like deep dark lavender blooms that will eventually turn into a heart-shaped leaf.
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How to Grow Star Jasmine Vine
How to Grow Star Jasmine Vine (Trachelospermum jasminoides). This vine will do well in the southwest providing you follow some of the recommendations outlined in this article. It is an exceptionally fast-growing evergreen vine that will do well in partial shade. It does not mind the hot southwest weather but it will do better in […]
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Poplar trees landscaping
Poplar trees for landscaping. Their botanical name is (Populus) or Cottonwood. They are fast-growing trees and require lots of water. They are in the Salicaceae or willow family and depending on how much water they receive they can grow up to 1-2 ft. per year. The bark on young Poplar trees is smooth, white to greenish […]
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