Indoor Fern Plant Care

Indoor Fern Plant Care

Last updated on March 2nd, 2025 at 08:54 am


Indoor Fern Plant Care.  Most Ferns are good plants to use as indoor decorations; they are for the most part, easy to care for and do not like freezing temperatures.  You can plant them outdoors in tropical regions or places where it never freezes.

Water and Humidity

They like humidity and consistent watering; fertilizing and occasional misting are good things. Too much sunlight, not enough water, and soil that does not drain well will cause the fern leaves to turn brown.

Where to place them

About anywhere there is good light and humidity.  The shower room is a good place, or any room where there are windows with good light and a humidifier.  In their natural habitat, ferns live in the forest where there is filtered light shining through from larger trees.  The soil is typically damp and has lots of decaying foliage. It is best to use good, well-composed soil when you are re-potting or planting ferns in the ground.

You can place them outdoors for brief periods of good sunshine during the spring and fall months.  Do not let them sit outdoors in full sun during the mid-hot summer sun, no matter where you liv,e as they will get sun-scorched.  The one exception is the Asparagus Fern, it will take the hot Southwest sun.

Types of Ferns for Indoors

There are numerous types of ferns, but for this article, we will be mentioning the most common ones.

Birds Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus ) is a fern that looks like a bird would use it as a nest, thus its name.  It’s also called the “Crows Nest Fern”. The leaves are wavy and shoot from the middle out about 4-8 inches.  How big will they grow?  Good question. Depending on where it is placed, it is anywhere from 2 ft. to about 6 ft. tall and maybe 4 ft. wide.

Indoor Fern Plant Care
A nice-looking Birds Nest Fern in a decorative pot


Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

It is also called the sword fern and is one of the easiest to care for ferns.  Most folks purchase this fern because of its looks and ease of care. They can be planted in a container or in hanging baskets.  Restaurants and business locations use Boston ferns to decorate their indoor business. You can see them hanging from the ceilings, on tables, or near exits and entrance areas.

Indoor Fern Plant Care
The Boston Fern

Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum spp)The foliage is lighter green in color and has a feathery-like appearance.  Like most ferns, it likes moist soil and consistent misting.  It should be placed where there is good sunlight shining through a window or skylight.  Keep it away from drafts or in front of cooling/heating vents.

Indoor Fern Plant Care
Maidenhair Fern in a container

The Care of Fern Plants

Asparagus Fern aethiopicus – Also called Sprenger’s Asparagus.    The care of fern plants for indoor decoration.  A good fern-like plant that you can plant to fill an empty space in your garden.  The foliage is a light green color and resembles small pine needles. It does well in and around the southwest.  In fact, you can plant it outdoors, as it will set seeds and grow the following year.  It’s not really in the fern family, but they look a lot like ferns.  Some folks call it a Foxtail fern because they are in the same cultivar.  It produces red berries and small white flowers, usually in late summer.  There are many common cultivars; below are two.

You can learn more about Asparagus ferns over at Wikipedia.

Asparagus Fern in a pot
Asparagus Fern Densiflorus “Meyersii”
Sprenger’s Asparagus Fern

A hanging Asparagus Fern (densiflorus). 

Care of Fern Plants
A hanging Asparagus Fern (densiflorus).

Problems with Fern Plants

Many ferns plants are tough and can usually fend off diseases and insects. But, now and then, they might face trouble from pesky attackers like Spittlebugs and Mealybugs. These bugs can cause some damage if not dealt with swiftly. So, how do you handle them? A simple solution like Neem oil or insecticidal soap works wonders to keep these pests in check.

Just a quick spray, following the instructions on the label, can save your ferns from these occasional nuisances. Have you tried these remedies on your plants yet? If so, you know the relief of seeing your ferns thrive without those uninvited guests. If not, it might just be time to give it a go and ensure your green friends stay healthy and vibrant.It is best to take them outdoors and spray them if they are in containers.

If your plant is heavily infested with mealybugs or other insects, it is best to trash the plant.  Place it in a plastic bag and dump it into the trash bin.

Read more about Insects and diseases on plants. 

Indoor House Plant Names


Ferns are perfect if you’re looking for low-maintenance indoor plants. They thrive in cozy spaces with a little attention. If you’ve got a warm spot and a bit of love to give, a Fern might just be your next favorite plant.

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