Pyracantha Plant Evergreen

Pyracantha Varieties

Last updated on December 24th, 2024 at 08:12 am

Pyracantha varieties are quite versatile and interesting plants. When considering the nature of the pyracantha plant, one might wonder whether it is classified as a vine or a shrub. The truth is that it can be both.

Pyracantha can be trained into a large, bushy shrub that can stand alone as a focal point in a garden, or it can be guided along structures like fences or walls, taking on a vine-like appearance. This flexibility allows gardeners to use pyracantha in various ways, making it a unique addition to any landscape.

What’s particularly striking about pyracantha is its impressive display of berries, which it produces abundantly, especially during the fall season. These bright, colorful berries not only enhance the visual appeal of the plant but also persist well into late winter, providing a source of interest even when many other plants have lost their foliage.

Flowers on a Pyracantha Plants

Pyracantha Varieties

Additionally, all varieties of pyracantha will showcase charming little white flowers in the spring, creating a profusion of blossoms that attract various pollinators and add to the plant’s overall beauty.

However, it’s worth noting that while pruning can be beneficial, over-pruning may leave noticeable gaps in the plant, detracting from its lush appearance. For optimal health and growth, it is advisable to focus on removing any dead or dying limbs and branches rather than excessive pruning. This targeted approach helps to maintain a robust structure while ensuring that the plant continues to flourish.

Pyracantha plants are not really drought tolerant it is recommended to water regularly even after establishment.

Pyracantha Varieties
Pyracantha at Guzman’s Greenhouse

Mohave Pyracantha

Will grow dark green foliage with sharp thorns it grows upright.  Highly valued for its huge masses of bright red-orange berries that create a spectacle of fall color.  The Mohave will fruit earlier than other varieties. Can be used as an excellent evergreen hedge, screen, or accent plant.  Can also be planted in a container but its thorns are vicious and will impale almost anyone who tries to handle it.

A large red berry Pyracantha is up against a wall.

Autumn berries on a fan-shaped pyracantha plant

The Victory Pyracantha

A good upright growing pyracantha that displays intense red berry clusters.  And it will hold them late into the season including winter.  An excellent choice for use as a hedge, screen, windbreak, or barrier planting. Small, white, spring flowers produce attractive berries in the fall.


Pyracantha fortuneana ‘Graberi’

A fast-growing upright vine valued for its huge clusters of large red berries.  The berries will last all the way until late winter.  It does great next to a wall or fence. Use it as a barrier hedge or windbreak Evergreen shrub.

Pyracantha Berries
Image by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay

Pests and Diseases on Pyracantha

Pyracantha varieties will get diseases mainly pyracantha scab and fireblight.  But these diseases can be treated with an all-purpose fungicide spray.  To avoid diseases make sure the soil drains properly and keep them away from sprinkler overspray.

Fertilize with a good all-purpose fertilizer once in spring, summer, and fall for good healthy pyracantha plants.

Insects Problems.  The woolly aphid will attack all pyracantha varieties.  Spray with a systemic insecticide for best results and do this at the initial sight of insects.

Pyracantha Varieties

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