
Spartan Juniper Growth Rate

Spartan Juniper Growth Rate

The Spartan Juniper growth rate, scientifically known as Juniperus chinensis, is a remarkable evergreen conifer that flourishes particularly well in the Southwestern region of the United States. This species is renowned for its robust growth rate, making it a highly sought-after choice for a variety of landscaping applications. Due to its adaptability and rapid development, […]

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How to block neighbors view of my yard

Block neighbors view of my yard

There are numerous large shrubs and trees that will help you block your neighbor’s view.  Most garden nursery stores will have these plants, but they are typically small to medium-sized plants.  If you are looking for super large almost full-grown plants, you might have to call your local landscapers. 

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Hollywood Juniper Tree

Hollywood Juniper Tree

Hollywood Juniper Tree (Juniperus chinensis ‘Torulosa’).  Is a fast-growing Juniper up to 15-20 ft. in height and about 10-15 ft. wide.  A very hardy evergreen tree that will add interest to your landscape.  Plant 3-4 in a row for an interesting border wall.  The stems will twist and turn in all directions. Where to place […]

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