poplar trees

Poplar Trees Landscapine

Poplar trees landscaping

Poplar trees for landscaping.  Their botanical name is (Populus) or Cottonwood.  They are fast-growing trees and require lots of water.  They are in the Salicaceae or willow family and depending on how much water they receive they can grow up to 1-2 ft. per year. The bark on young Poplar trees is smooth, white to greenish […]

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The Western Cottonwood Tree

The Western Cottonwood Tree

The Western Cottonwood tree (Poplar Family) goes by many names including the following. Rio Grande Cottonwood The Fremonti Cottonwood  Alamo Cottonwood They are the same tree and will grow up to 60ft. in height and about 30ft. in width. What does the Western Cottonwood Tree look like? See the photo below. The Western Cottonwood Tree […]

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