Paul Guzie

Red plumed cockscomb flower or Celosia argentea blossom

Celosia Plant Care

Good looking colorful plant for spring color. Celosia plants in your garden.

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Colorful Container Garden Ideas

Easy Colorful Container Garden Ideas.  Plants in a container are a little harder to maintain and there are several reasons why this is so.  However, there are advantages to having them in pots. Growing plants in containers is an exciting and rewarding way to bring nature into our homes and gardens. There are several advantages […]

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Coral Vine Plant

The Coral Vine Plant – (Antigonon leptopus) Is a fast-growing vine that does well in the southwest part of the U.S. The leaves are heart-shaped and fast-growing twigs that can easily climb fences, trellis, and arbors. No matter where you live, the Coral Vine plant draws in a lively crowd of butterflies, bees, and birds. […]

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Firecracker plant

Firecracker Plant Care and planting

They need lots of water during the first 2-3 years after initial planting however, it’s really a good plant for the Southwest region as it only needs moderate watering after the third year of growth.  You should fertilize with a good all-purpose fertilizer during the early spring seasons

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This a versatile plant that will produce dark red bottle brush-like blooms during the spring and into early summer.  It is a drought-tolerant

The Bottlebrush Plant – Great Colorful Spring Brush

The Bottlebrush Plant (Callistemon spp.) This a versatile plant that will produce dark red bottle brush-like blooms during the spring and into early summer.  It is a drought-tolerant plant once it becomes established usually after its third season in the ground.  In colder regions, it will lose its foliage but will bounce back nicely once […]

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Image by Mabel Amber, still incognito... from Pixabay

The Wisteria Vine about this Vine

The Wisteria Vine.  The most common is the Japanese purple Wisteria.  A good woody vine that is well known for its hanging clusters of fragrant, violet-blue, flowers that bloom in spring. However, they only bloom during the spring seasons.  But, some have been known to flower again during the fall season.  How to make them […]

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Type of succulent pictures

Types of Succulent Pictures

Types of Succulent Pictures.  We have a ton of succulent images for those who want to know the names of the most common succulent plants. Succulents are a big family and what we have here is what most people purchase at local nurseries and greenhouse retail stores. These plants retain water making them water-tolerant.  For […]

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Types of Ice Plants

Types of Ice plants – Spring Desert Color

Types of Ice Plants – Scientific name –  Delosperma. In the Southwest Ice plants thrive in heat and poor soil.  These plants are succulents and are drought tolerant making them a perfect choice for Xeriscape or rock gardens.  It is an excellent groundcover for those looking to cover a large landscape.  The flower attracts bees […]

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How to grow larger fruit

  Fruit trees are easy to grow in the southwest but often the fruit we yield is much smaller than what you see in the grocery store! If you grow fruit trees and would like to know “How to grow larger fruit” then this article is for you. How to grow larger fruit in your […]

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Water Plants Small Ponds

Water Plants Small Ponds.   Most water plants are not susceptible to insects and or diseases.  Placing KOI, Goldfish, and Carp will help keep most insects away.  Fish poop will also help provide fertilizer for your pond plants. You can get these fish at your local pet store. Water Gardens for Beginners Here is a list […]

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