Guzman’s Greenhouse Posts
Best Air Purifier Plants – Clean the air in your home
Best Air Purifier Plants. Indoor pollution is a big problem in the U.S. there are environmental hazards everywhere from hydrocarbons to polyurethane. These chemicals are found in homes, offices, automobiles, and in the earth’s atmosphere! There are also glues, paints, varnishes, and many more harmful toxins; too many for me to list here. Plants to […]
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The Yaupon Holly Tree
The Yaupon Holly Tree (Ilex vomitoria) is an evergreen shrub. Shining small leaves that stay green year-round with twiggy branches that are sharp and pointed. It grows to about 15 ft. tall and wide usually in about full maturity at about 8-10 years. The Yaupon Holly Tree will produce small white flowers in late spring, […]
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Mexican Heather Plant
The Mexican Heather Plant – Cuphea hyssopifolia. Also called false heather. A small plant that will bloom in mid-summer until fall. A very hardy plant that produces small but profuse flowers even in the Southwest heat. Mexican Heather plants will go dormant when temperatures dip below 32° degrees Fahrenheit. But will bounce back after the […]
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Million Bells Plants
Million Bells Plants (Solanaceae family) Calibrachoa also called mini-petunias. These plants will do great in containers or in hanging baskets. They are considered an annual plant which means they will not winter over. They will bloom from spring through late fall, not so much during the mid-summer heat in the Southwest. Where to plant Million […]
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The Hardy Hibiscus Plant
The Hardy Hibiscus Plant (Hibiscus moscheutos) Also called Rose Mallow and Swamp mallow. The hummingbirds love this plant! It loves to be in water but once established it will become drought tolerant. Care of the Hardy Hibiscus Plant The hardy hibiscus (Hibiscus moscheutos) thrives with the right care. Do you have a sunny spot? That’s […]
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How to choose the right Stihl chainsaw
How to choose the right Stihl chainsaw. Are you thinking about purchasing a new right Stihl chainsaw but aren’t quite sure which one to choose? Let me give you a few tips that will help get you pointed in the right direction chainsaws are a versatile and time-saving tool. They’re very powerful you must match […]
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Abelia Plants Moderate Water
Abelia Plants moderate water (Abelia x grandiflora). A great plant for the Southwest as they are evergreen and will flower throughout the summer months. They are moderately watering shrubs once they become established. The foliage will change colors as the seasons go by. In mid-winter, the leaves will turn a light burgundy color. The growth […]
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How to grow herbs
How to grow herbs How to grow herbs. Some folks have a hard time growing a large vegetable garden. Maintaining a herb garden is much easier and you can see results in a matter of weeks. You will have the constant availability of fresh, delicious herbs to flavor your meals with. They are one of […]
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Colorful petunia plants
Colorful petunia plants – Petunias are plants that have a wide range of color. They are good in garden boxes, hanging baskets, decorative pots or just planted in the ground. The colors and varieties are amazing. They are considered annuals and do not like freezing temperatures. Petunias come in Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora, and the Wave […]
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Choosing the Best Flowers for Your Window Boxes
Choosing the best flowers for your window boxes. Window boxes can be a beautiful addition to any home. They work well inside or outside and can be extremely easy to maintain year-round. The key to creating attractive window boxes is flower selection. Choosing the best flowers for flower window boxes can be a fun exercise for […]
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