Desert Plants

Desert Plants Names and Pictures

Last updated on March 20th, 2025 at 10:38 am

Desert Plants names and pictures. If you are looking for a maintenance-free low watering landscape, you will want to buy these.  They all need full sun and can tolerate partial shade but they need at least 6 hours of full sun.

Do desert plants need a water drip system installed?

No, they don’t most landscapers and novice desert gardeners will install a water sprinkler system on these plants, and this is ok but a word of caution here.  If you do install a water system, be sure it’s only for the desert plants and other non-native plants. The water requirements are about 10 -15 minutes twice per month. It also depends on the types of desert plants you are using.

There are a few things to consider if you do decide to use a water system on desert plants.  The water timer should be set once per week for about 5-10 minutes throughout the hot summer months.  Less water during the spring and fall months.

Turn off the system once late fall and winter arrive and be sure not to attach the water system to other plants that need more water.  It is best to use two watering stations, one for regular water plants and one for the true desert plants.

Watering Desert Plants by hand

Only water once weekly by hand, at about 2-4 gallons each time.  Stop watering about the second or third month.

True cactus plants should only be watered at initial planting. Do not install a water sprinkler system on cactus plants, period!  What are “True Cactus Plants”?  Purple cactus, Paddle Cactus, Bunny ear cactus, Cactus barrel, and Cholla plants.

They all tolerate sandy or poor soil.  However, planting them in a good cactus mix or soil is best to help them get going.

Desert Plants Names with Picture of each plant

Desert Plants Names and Pictures

  1.  The Ocotillo Plant – Drought tolerant easy care. Produces a bright orange bloom in mid-spring. USDA Zones 8-11
  2.  Large Saguaro – Slow-growing cactus and does not like temperatures below 20°.  USDA Zones 8a to 11b.
  3.  Red Tip Yucca – Easy care low water plant for any type of Xeriscaping design. Zones 5 – 7.
  4.  Parry’s Agave Plant – Nice looking Agave USDA planting zone 5-11
  5.  Paddle Cactus – Also Called the Bunny Ears Cactus.  USDA zones 9-11
  6.  Golden Barrel Cactus – USDA zone 9-11.  Height is 3 ft. tall and wide. Yellow and or red flowers in early summer
  7.  Spanish Bayonet – USDA zones 7-11. Grows up to 6 ft. tall. It will produce a large plume.
  8.  Purple Cactus – USDA zone 8-11. Height 3-4 ft. tall and wide.  They will produce a red or yellow flower.
  9.  Purple Salvia – USDA zone 7-11.  Needs more water than other cactus and or agave plants.  Once a week will do.
  10.  Common Sotol – USDA 7-11. Grows up to 5 ft. tall with a plume up to 3 ft. taller.
  11.  Variegated Agave – USDA 8-11.  Height at maturity 5-6 ft.
  12.  Ball Cactus – USDA 8-11.  Height at maturity 3 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide.

Desert Landscaping Plants

Desert Plants Names and Pictures


Desert plants


  1. Thompson’s Yucca – Planting zone 8-11.  Up to 10ft. in height.
  2. Teddy Bear Cholla – Zones 8-11 will grow up to 6 ft. in height.
  3. Variegated Century Plant – Zones 7-11 maximum height is about 6 ft. tall.
  4. Red Echeveria – Zone 9-11 can grow up to  7 ft. in height.
  5. Mescal Agave – Zone 5 – 11.  Mature height at 6 ft. tall.
  6. Hedge Euphorbia – Zone 9- 11 grows up to 4 ft. tall.
  7. Pamilia Yucca Rigida – Zone 7 – 10 grows up to 7 ft. tall and 4 ft. wide.
  8. Cow Tongue Prickly Pear Cactus – Zone 8-11.  Height 6-7 tall and wide.
  9. Century Plant Agave Victoriae – Zone 9 – 11.  Mature height 3-4 ft. tall.  This variety is the shorter type.
  10. Arizona Hedgehog – Zone 9 – 11.  Height 3-4 ft. tall 2-3 wide.
  11. Claret Cup Cactus – Planting zone 5 – 10 mature height 1-2 ft. tall and wide, sometimes larger if placed in the right area.  Produces a bright orange almost red flower.

Where to place these types of plants?

Plant them in the full blazing hot sun.  Pick the hottest part of your landscape and they will thrive and are disease and insect-resistant.  The biggest problem is the Javelina (wild peccary – looks like a pig) as they love to eat the root system or part of the plant itself.

Do insects and diseases attack desert plants?

Yes, they do! Mealybugs and cochineal are the main culprits when it comes to attacking cactus-type plants, particularly prickly-pear varieties that many people love. These are scale insects that are infamous for destroying 0ptunia plants. If you’re looking for an organic solution to get rid of them, one effective method is to spray the plant with a strong stream of water. Using a good nozzle can really help dislodge those pesky bugs and keep your cactus healthy and thriving!

Insecticidal soaps will also work but it will normally take several applications before it starts to work effectively. Here is a post on how to Use Insecticidal Soaps.

Learn more about removing mealybugs and other insects from your plants here.  Disease and Insects ln Plants.

Need information on the Argentine Saguaro Cactus Care.

Learn about the Cholla Cactus – Growing Cholla Cactus

Click on the image to learn more.

Mealybug Infestation on Cactus Paddle
Mealybug Infestation on Cactus Paddle.  Also called the Cactus Mealybug or Atrococcus mamillariae.
Cochineal on a cactus paddle
Cochineal insect on a cactus paddle



The Variegated Spanish Dagger

Yuccas for landscaping
Variegated Spanish dagger leaves – Latin name – Yucca gloriosa Variegata

A Handsome Yucca for those looking to add colorful desert plants, and water about once per month during the mid-summer southwest heat.

Can you remove Desert Plants?

If you’re thinking about taking a cactus or any other desert plant from public land, don’t. It’s illegal. This rule applies across state and national parks, as well as on other public lands. Why? These plants are protected because they play a critical role in desert ecosystems.

Removing them harms the environment and disrupts wildlife. Plus, you could face heavy fines or even criminal charges. Instead, leave the plants as they are and enjoy them in their natural setting. If you want to grow desert plants, buy them from licensed nurseries that sell legally sourced ones.

Visit for some excellent information on desert plants.

Desert Plants’ Names and Pictures

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    • Mickie Reynolds
    • September 6, 2023

    Love this place!

    1. Reply

      Thanks for the compliment.

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