Madagascar Palm Plants

Madagascar Palm Plants

Last updated on November 24th, 2024 at 01:40 pm

The Care of Madagascar Palm Plants (Pachypodium lamerei ). The plant comes from an island called “Madagascar”.  The island is located on the east coast of Africa.  They do well indoors where there is lots of light, in front of a large southwest-facing window will do the job.  It is considered a low-watering plant perfect for those who want low-maintenance indoor plants.

Madagascar Palm Plant Information

The Madagascar Palm Plant is NOT a true palm, it looks like one, but it isn’t.  It is in the Apocynaceae dogbane family the Pachypodium genus.  You can learn more about how it grows in its native habitat over at Its native habitat is of course south Madagascar and will grow up to twenty feet tall in its native land.

When will they bloom?  It is rare for them to bloom indoors however If planted outdoors in areas where there are no freezing temperatures and it is well established, they will bloom in about the 8th or 10th year.  Furthermore, if the conditions are just right they can bloom indoors as shown in the photo below.

The flower is a small white trumpet flower but only if it is grown outdoors.  It will have a challenging time blooming indoors.  With proper care, they can grow up to three feet tall and broad at the crown of the plant.

Madagascar Palm Plants
Madagascar Palm Plant on an outdoor table.

Madagascar Palm Plants

It is a plant that you would think twice before picking it up. Large prickly thorns that keep animals and humans from trying to remove them from the ground.  However, in reality, the thorns are not that prickly and will rarely penetrate the human hand.  See the image below.

Madagascar Palm Plants
The spines or thorns on a Madagascar palm.

Large slender, thick leaves on top of its thorny trunk. It is NOT a true palm nor are they a cactus. However, it is succulent which means low watering requirements.  They like slightly alkaline soil or straight-up sandy soil.  Use Cactus soil/mix when potting this plant. Learn more about indoor houseplant names.

How to keep it alive indoors

They will do best in cactus soil mix are semi-succulent and do like to be fertilized regularly but always dilute your fertilizer at half the recommended dosage.

Place them where there is full light indoors, a south-facing window is a good place.  Make sure it stays there during the cooler seasons in your area.

Watering a Madagascar plant is simple if you follow one key rule. Always let the soil dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering can harm the plant, so resist the urge to add water if the soil still feels damp. If you’re unsure, check the top inch of soil with your finger—it should be completely dry before you water again. This approach mimics its natural environment and keeps the plant healthy. More often during the hot summer months and less often in winter.  About once per week.  The one thing I learned about the care of this plant is if the leaves fall off you are over-watering or under-watering.

Fertilize with a good indoor liquid fertilizer about once every two or three months.

A Madagascar palm growing in a terracotta pot.


Madagascar Palm Plant in a decorative pot

Madagascar palm in a white pot is perfect for indoor decoration.


Very little pruning if at all on this plant

It is a single-trunk plant.  Aphids and spider mites will attack this plant but spraying with good organic insecticides like neem oil, or insecticidal soaps, or spraying with houseplant insecticides.

Problems with Madagascar Palm Plant

Too much water is what many novice gardeners do, especially with this plant. The leaves will start to fall when excess water is applied. You should wait until the soil is dry before watering again.  Usually, around one week or so but of course it depends on the temperatures when placed indoors. Not enough water and your leaves will curl.

Mealybugs will attack this plant rarely, but it does happen.  Spraying with Neem oil at the first signs of mealybugs should do the job.  Neem oil is an organic insecticide and fungicide it is best to spray several times throughout the week to make sure these insects are gone.

Where can you purchase this plant? At one of our local nurseries.  Or ask for them at your local greenhouse or nursery.


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