Tools for pruning trees

Pruning tips and tools

Last updated on January 30th, 2025 at 04:30 pm

Pruning tips and tools. The best time to prune trees and shrubs is January through March.  However, dead branches can be removed at any time of the year: with pruning tips and tools.

Pruning Tips and Tools

Pruning trees and shrubs is a common horticultural practice that involves selectively removing certain parts of a plant to promote its health, shape, and overall appearance. Here are some general guidelines for pruning trees and shrubs:

Pruning unsightly trees will create a good-looking landscaping area and will increase the lifespan of any tree or plant. And if done correctly it will increase the productivity of all fruit trees.

If you are pruning to keep the tree size down usually means the wrong tree was selected for the landscaping area.  I see this happen all the time… In fact, I’ve done it myself, you live and learn.

You should prune dead, dying limbs or branches that are diseased no matter where they are. Prune any limbs or branches that are interfering with power lines, traffic, and or visibility from streets. Call your local or county landscaping electrical power company. Depending on what needs to be pruned…They may do it at no charge.

Prune if branches are overhanging into your neighbor’s yard. It is a good idea to ask first.

As a rule of thumb. Only prune if there is a real reason to do so. We get many customers asking us how to prune a tree that has only been in the ground for 2-3 years or so. We advise our customers NOT to trim or prune trees that are healthy and vibrant looking.

The one exception is fruit trees.  Pruning fruit trees of smaller stems and branches in the initial stages of growth will help with larger branches thus more abundant fruit. 

Did you know that fruit that falls from a neighbor’s tree into your yard is yours but remains the neighbor’s while still hanging from the limb?  Also, you can trim your neighbor’s tree if it is hanging over your property line.  Learn more over at HomeGuides. (Please contact your local agency before trimming trees on your property line).

The less pruning the better it is for the tree.  One word of caution is there is a risk of killing a tree if you trim off more than 50%, especially smaller younger trees.

Pruning tips and tools

Tools Needed for small to medium-sized pruning jobs.

  1. Hand shears – These are needed for pruning small twigs and branches.
  2. Pole pruners for pruning or cutting branches or limbs that are 6ft. or more off the ground.
  3. Chainsaws – These are used for larger types of branches that are more than 3 inches in diameter.
  4. Safety Goggles – Always wear eye protection when pruning, shearing, cutting, or doing any type of heavy gardening work.
  5. Lopper shears – These are good for larger type branches normally about 1.5 inches or less in diameter. Lopper shears are good for palm and mesquite trees that have large thorns

Pruning tips and toolsFor smaller pruning jobs try Corona Pruners – This gardening tool has forged steel alloy blades, holds a sharp cutting edge, and is heat-treated for superior hardness and strength.

This is what we use at Color Your World Nurseries. Easy long-lasting pruners. Next time you’re in one of our stores make to ask for one.


Trimming Large Trees

Pruning tips and tools

You should call a professional arborist or tree trimming service if your tree or trees are over 20ft tall. Most professional tree trimmers know how and why you should trim or prune your trees.

A professional tree expert is called an “Arborist.” Call one for larger type trees. Be sure they are licensed, insured, and bonded. This goes for any type of landscaping professional. Also, if there is a power line involved call your local power line company for further information.

Do NOT prune larger type branches from trees that are hanging over any type of electrical or power line. Call a professional maintenance landscaper.

It is a good idea to use a pruning sealer on a trimmed-off branch or limb. All trees and shrubs have their own way of healing themselves from a cut or wound but a pruning sealer will make it 100% sure!

It may take years before a tree shows signs of having a deadly disease.  Remember to always clean all pruning tool blades with alcohol or at the very least soapy water to avoid the spread of plant diseases.

Learn more about insects and Diseases on Plants

Pruning tips and tools

Pruning trees and shrubs is an essential part of garden maintenance to promote healthy growth and enhance the overall appearance of the plants. Here are some common tools used for pruning:

Pruning Shears (Hand Pruners)

Ideal for small branches and stems. Comes in bypass or anvil designs. Bypass pruners have a scissor-like cutting action.


Loppers are specifically designed to handle thicker branches that ordinary pruning shears can’t cut through. The longer handles not only provide greater reach but also generate more cutting power, making them effective for tougher jobs. These tools are ideal for trimming large shrubs or trees without straining your hands.

Pruning Saw

Designed for cutting through thicker branches with ease, this tool features a serrated blade that grips as it cuts. The serration helps ensure efficient slicing, reducing the effort needed for tougher jobs.

Hedge Shears Specifically designed for trimming hedges and shrubs. Have long, straight blades for a clean, even cut.

Pole Pruners
Extendable tools for reaching high branches. Can have pruning shears or saw attachments.

Pruning tips and tools – Guzman’s Garden Centers

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    • Drew
    • September 29, 2016

    Having the right tools will definitely get you off on the right start. Thanks for the great tips.

  1. Reply

    There are many necessary tools when it comes to pruning, but safety goggles are extremely important. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  2. Reply

    Great information shared about tree trimming services! I really enjoyed it, but now I’ll hire a professional team of tree trimming service who provides information about the hollowness of the tree on the inside.

    • Chris S. Martin
    • May 11, 2018

    I want to make sure that my trees are taken care of. I didn’t know that pruning was so important! I think it might be best for me to get a professional to handle it. I don’t want to risk pruning the wrong branch and making things worse.

  3. Reply

    Nice Article about pruning tree tips.

  4. Reply

    It was interesting to me when you explained that chainsaws are used to prune large branches. I would imagine that it would be a good idea to only use a chainsaw if you have the right experience. If you have a tree that has large branches that need to be pruned, it would probably be a good idea to find a professional that has the proper experience.

    1. Reply

      You are correct Henry. It is a wise decision to hire a professional if you are going to prune large branches. Unless you are well experienced with a chainsaw.

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