Care of Euonymus Plants

Care of Euonymus Plants

Last updated on February 19th, 2025 at 06:49 pm

Care of Euonymus Plants pronounced – Euony-mus. These are great fast-growing evergreen shrubs that do well almost anywhere.  In the Southwest, they will thrive providing you give them nourishment and water often the first 2-3 years after initial planting.  They are drought-tolerant plants once they are well established and can withstand the harsh mid-summer heat.

These plants are easy to trim and prune.  They will grow tall if not trimmed back most landscapers and homeowners trim them to use as a hedge short or tall it is up to you.

Where to place them

You can use them as stand-alone plants or in a container as shown below.  They are great plants to trim and prune to the size of your liking.  Shape them into squares, 2 or 3-tier topiary, Christmas tree shape, or just let them grow to their natural size.  It’s ok to place them in partial shade or full sun.

Euonymus Fortunei Emerald n Gold

There are many varieties and we will give you tips and suggestions on how to keep looking their best throughout the growing seasons. In the Southwest, they like well-composted soil and regular watering.

Use them as a hedge for that formal look.  They are easy to shape and form into almost any size.  I have seen some species up to 12 ft. tall and 5 ft. wide.

Care of Euonymus Plants
Two Neatly trimmed Gold Euonymus Plants

Types of Euonymus

The Silver King Euonymus (Euonymus japonicus ‘Silver King’)
Thick shiny leaves with a silver-colored edge.  If left alone without pruning they will grow about 6ft. tall and 3-4 ft. wide.  Use it as a good border or hedge plant for your landscaping needs. Euonymus will do great in a large container and placed in front of your home entrance…place two of them on each side. It does have a small not showy white flower during the mid-spring season.  It can take full sun or partial shade.

Silver King Euonymus Plants - Care of Euonymus Plants
The Silver King Euonymus

Chollipo Euonymus
This euonymus will get taller and wider than the Silver King.  It will grow about 12 ft. tall and 6 ft. wide.  Small not showy white flower during spring.  They get full thick and grow quickly. A really good plant for border privacy. Learn about “How to block neighbors’ view of my yard”.

The Chollipo Euonymus
The Chollipo Euonymus

View more pictures of this plant in a container over at

The Golden Euonymus

If you’re looking for a hedge that stands out, this evergreen shrub is a great pick. It’s known for its thick, green leaves with splashes of yellow. It’s tough too. It can handle both hot summers and freezing winters without much trouble. Once it’s settled in, it only needs a moderate amount of water and can even grow in poor soil.


Euonymus Plants

Variegated Boxleaf Euonymus

Euonymus japonicus ‘Microphyllus Variegatus’.  If you are looking for a short evergreen hedge plant this is the one.  It grows about 2-3 ft. tall and 1 ft. wide.  The leaves are glossy green with white color on the outer edges.  It does not mind the full sun and can be planted in partial shade.  It is a somewhat slower-growing euonymus than the Chollipo and Silver King.  Water and fertilize regularly for best results.

Care of Euonymus Plants
Variegated Boxleaf Euonymus in a garden.

Emerald Gaiety Euonymus

This one is a cool plant the tips on this foliage will turn a light pink color in winter.  You can use it as a small hedge or climb a fence or trellis.  A deep emerald, green color from spring until mid-fall.  It is an evergreen in warmer type climates.  Not a drought-tolerant plant but will do well provided you plug it into a drip system. About 15 minutes every other day during the mid-summer heat.

USDA growing zone 5-9.

Emerald Gaiety Euonymus wintercreeper

Care of Euonymus Plants

Like all plants, they do develop problems.  One of the most common is the Euonymus Scale.  Scale are small insects that attack the limbs and suck the juice of these plants. Mites and mealybugs will attack all varieties of Euonymus plants.  Fertilizing and observing your plants often is the best deterrent to pests and diseases.  Use a good system insecticide at the first sight of insects.  Scale and Mealybugs on a rose leaf see photo below.

Powdery mildew might show up and cause trouble. Take a look at the picture below. A good spray with fungus control or neem oil should fix it. You might need to apply it a few times before things get better.

Other Evergreen Shrubs for the Southwest. 

Care of Euonymus Plants


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