Last updated on December 22nd, 2024 at 04:58 pm
The Carolina Jessamine Vine is a stunning and eye-catching sight, with its beautiful and highly fragrant yellow flowers. This vine is well-behaved and gracefully climbs on trellises, arbors, and fences, without overwhelming nearby trees and shrubs—a good vine for winter color
It is not a true Jasmine but still in the Gelsemium sempervirens family. The Carolina Jessamine vine has the ability to gradually expand and cover various surfaces such as slopes, banks, and open spaces. This plant can be used as an unstructured, mound-shaped ground cover or can be planted alongside a fence for added support, resulting in a beautiful display of flowers in the late winter season.
Vibrant Winter Color
Looking for a vibrant pop of color during those late winter months? Consider this showy vine! It thrives even when the temperature drops, so don’t worry about the cold. This subtropical beauty performs exceptionally well across the Southwestern U.S., offering a reliable splash of color when most plants are still dormant. Have you ever thought about how your garden could benefit from a plant like this? With its resilience to chillier conditions, this vine can be a brilliant addition to enhance your garden’s winter landscape.
It can creep and spread across slopes, banks, and cleared areas. The Carolina Jessamine vine is an informal, mounding ground cover or plant along a fence for support for a great show of flowers during late winter.
This vine is semi-evergreen and will look great during the winter and late winter seasons. The hot summer seasons in the Southwest will stress this vine. Extra watering and fertilizer during this period will help it to retain its green foliage. Not a clinging vine meaning you will have to provide support if you want it to climb a wall.
Growth Rate
A rapidly expanding climbing plant. The greater the amount of water it receives, the quicker it will develop. With proper support, it has the potential to reach heights of 20ft, or it can also serve as a ground cover.
Water Requirements – Daily during initial planting. Every other day once established using a good drip system.
USDA growing zone 7-10
According to, this particular vine is considered harmful to both dogs and humans. More information about this plant can be found on the website.
The Carolina Jessamine Vine
Check out more vines for the southwest right here. Fast growing vines.
Greenhouse Manager, Master Gardener, and Webmaster.
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