Secret to killing grubs

The Secret to Killing Grubs

Last updated on December 18th, 2024 at 06:45 am

The Secret to Killing Grubs on your lawn.  First, we must know where these ugly-looking worms come from.  They come from the larvae of the Japanese beetle.  They were introduced into the U.S. from of course Japan sometime in 1916 now almost all lawns throughout the USA have them.  A few here and there are no big problem but an infestation of them and your lawn will start to look bad.  These larvae will also feed on the roots of other plants like roses, and small-type trees and shrubs.

The Adult Japanese Beetle

The Secret to Killing Grubs
The Japanese Beetle – Popillia japonica. Image by Richard Malo from Pixabay

The adult beetle is also a pest that will eat the foliage of Oak trees, boxwoods, and roses.  It is best to spray with a good insecticide to kill these flying insects.  If you want to go organic use a Japanese beetle trap available at most nurseries or greenhouses in the U.S.  So, if you kill or trap beetles there will be less chance of an infestation of larvae on your lawn.

The Cycle of the Japanese Beetle

Ok, so the female will lay its eggs in the soil in about June (AKA…June Bug).  The eggs hatch and become grub larvae.  They dig into lawns this is when they feed on the roots of your lawn.  When the weather cools they will go deeper into the dirt lying dormant throughout the winter seasons.  In the Southwest, spring comes around early. March is when they start feeding again.

When June comes around again the grubs become adult beetles they mate and the female will lay down more larvae eggs, and it starts all over again. June bugs have three life cycles.

How to tell if you have grubs?

If you notice skunks or birds, especially those pesky thrashers, tearing up your lawn, there’s a good chance your yard’s got a grub problem. These critters are after the grubs hiding beneath the grass, munching away at the roots. You might think it’s just wildlife being wild, but it’s a sign your lawn needs attention. Do you have patches of dying grass? That’s another clue. It’s not just a nuisance; it’s your lawn crying out for help. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and tackle those grubs before they do more damage. You can also tell by observing your lawn if you see round brown or yellow spots grubs are probably eating the root system of your lawn.

The Secret to
Curve-bill Thrasher Bird

Where exactly are they?

It is rare that you will see grubs above ground. Typically they are in the soil about 3-4 inches into the soil.  You can tell where they have eaten the grassroots by the dull-grey-looking blades’ appearance and good-looking green grass.  See the image below.

The Secret to Killing Grubs
How to Kill Grubs


The Secret to Killing Grubs

Bayer Advanced Season Long Grub Killer works. Formulated to work all season long from my own experience it’s best to apply it twice per year.  It should be applied once in early spring and again in mid-fall.

Kill Grubs Organically

For those of you who are looking for an organic solution try beneficial nematodes ask for them at your local nursery. From what our customers tell us it does work but you must follow instructions to the tee. These nematodes are microscopic insects that inject a type of bacteria inside the grub’s body.  The bacteria cause blood poisoning thus killing it.

Learn more about insects and diseases on plants

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