Organic Gardening

Climate Change

Choose the Right Plants For Your Climate Zone

How to Choose the Right Plants For Your Climate Zone Global warming has taken its toll on our climate, giving us shorter winters and longer, hotter summers. While the warmer weather can sound like a dream fulfilled for some, the effects of global climate change are not all pleasant and they could have adverse effects […]

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Redbud trees

The Redbud Trees

Redbud Trees are small to medium-sized deciduous (leaves will drop winter) trees that bloom in early spring.  The majority of them grow about 15-30 ft. tall which makes them a great candidate for a small backyard or patio.  They produce small finger-like deep dark lavender blooms that will eventually turn into a heart-shaped leaf.

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Plant Root Stimulator

Plant Root Stimulator

What is “plant root stimulator”?  Is it a vitamin for plants? Or is it just a type of fertilizer?  So how does it work? Do I need to use it? Good questions? Your plants will have difficulty growing and thriving without a good root system. What is a Plant Root Stimulator? It works by stimulating […]

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Composting Mistakes

Composting Mistakes

Composting Mistakes.  Composting is a wonderful way to recycle plant waste and amend the soil in any sized garden. One of the most fascinating things about compost piles is that they are essentially living systems that require proper maintenance. For a better composting experience, here are five of the biggest composting mistakes to avoid. Five […]

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Best Indoor Low Maintenance Plants

Best Indoor Low Maintenance Plants

Indoor Low Maintenance Plants. Here is a list of the best indoor low-maintenance plants for those who are looking for easy-care plants for indoor decoration. Many non-gardening people want indoor plants and they want pretty, flowering, low-water plants that are easy to maintain!  It’s not as hard as some people think.  Below are some good […]

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rainwater collection

Water Collection Solutions for Sustainable Households

Water Collection Solutions.  Water is the driving force of all nature. Humans, animals, and plants, all need water to survive. We can manage for three weeks without food but only three to five days without water. There is no life without water because every cell in our body needs it to keep functioning. We are […]

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How to Create a Hanging Garden

How to Create a Hanging Garden

How to Create a Hanging Garden. Making a hanging garden in your house is a fresh and innovative design idea and will definitely make your home stand out. There are many different ways of making one, and it is only a matter of what you like, what you want and what suits you and your […]

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Care of Knock Out Roses

Care of Knock Out Roses

The care of Knock Out roses Care of Knock Out Roses. These roses continually produce blooms all spring and throughout the fall seasons in the Southwest.  They are self-cleaning this means very little dead-heading.  The blooms are a bright candy apple red color. Plant them several in a row to make a gorgeous hedge or […]

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Vegetable Gardening Tips

Growing a Healthy Garden

Growing a Healthy Garden: The Key to Weight Loss? Growing a Healthy Garden in hot climates.  Even though gardening in the Southwest U.S. presents a few challenges, it is still possible to grow a diverse range of fruits and vegetables right in your own backyard. In addition to the fresh taste and cost benefits of […]

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Vegetable Gardening Tips

Grow your own food Healthy Lifestyle

Grow your own food Healthy Lifestyle.  Flower gardens can be stunning. A properly landscaped garden is more than an eye-pleaser. It creates a healthy environment for families to spend time together as well as creating a filter for all those negative CO2 emissions that come with living in cramped cities. A garden is a breath […]

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