Last updated on November 26th, 2024 at 07:04 am
Poinsettia plant care. Poinsettias are in the Euphorbiaceae family and are used in pots and shown during the holiday seasons, especially during the Christmas season.
All Poinsettias are native to southern Mexico and Central America and thrive in tropical forests. In Mexico, it is called the “Nochebuena flor” or Flower of the Holy Night in English.
In its natural habitat, it will grow up to 15 ft. tall but in the southwest, it will grow about 2-4 ft. providing you care for it indoors.
The most common color is the bright red variety but they also come in pink, white, yellow, red-white marbled, and orange. There is also the magenta one. See the images below.
How often should they be watered?
Most folks over-water this plant it is best to let the Poinsettias dry out before watering again. Typically about once maybe twice per week any more than that and the leaves will wilt and fall off. It also depends on where you place them. If they are near a south-facing window you will have to water them more often.
Where to place Poinsettias?
Place them almost anywhere in the home where there is some medium to bright light. Do not place it near the fireplace or in front of the heater vents. Keep them away from doors or windows that will let the cold air in. I’ve done this numerous times and the leaves always fall off.
Poinsettias are often treated as annual plants, and many people throw them out once they stop blooming, typically around late January. While they can technically be kept alive and encouraged to rebloom, this process requires specific care and effort, which most don’t undertake. Instead, these vibrant holiday plants are usually enjoyed for their festive red and green colors during the winter months before being discarded when their bright display fades.
The stems of the Poinsettia plant can snap off with little effort, releasing a milky, white sap. While this substance might irritate your pet’s skin or stomach if touched or ingested, it’s not considered toxic. The irritation is typically mild and unlikely to cause serious harm, but pets might still feel discomfort. Keeping the plant out of reach is a simple way to avoid any issues.
Do not place them outdoors when temperatures get below 40° degrees F. You can place them outdoors during the spring, summer, and fall seasons but make sure you place them with morning sun and afternoon shade.
The bright Red Poinsettia
The red poinsettia is the most common and they seem to last much longer than the other varieties. You can also place them throughout the home during the holiday season for some great Christmas colors. They will thrive even in medium to low light.
The Pink Poinsettia
They love to be placed in containers and will normally bloom for about 5-8 weeks. Most big box stores and local nurseries will have them for sale in late November.
The White Poinsettia
The Red-White Marbled Poinsettia
The Magenta Colored Poinsettia – Not available at Guzman’s Garden Centers.
Poinsettia plant care
According to “In Mexico, the plant is called La Flor de la Nochebuena or, Flower of the Holy Night and is displayed in celebration of the December 12th, Dia de la Virgen.” You can read more about the Poinsettia Plant over at Poinsettia day.
The Christmas Cactus is another great indoor Holiday plant. It requires less water about twice per month. They should bloom in mid-December and again in late March provided they are cared for accordingly.
Poinsettia plant care
Greenhouse Manager, Master Gardener, and Webmaster.
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