Care of Purple Fountain Grass
The care of Purple Fountain Grass (Pennisetum Setaceum ‘Rubrum’) will do well in and around the American Southwest. It does well in USDA zones 8 – 10 and needs to be cut down each year in cooler climates. It produces nice spiky arching plumes and purple/bronze colored thin leaf blades thus its common name. Lush, […]
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Canna Lily Plant Care
Canna Lily Plant Care how to water and prune. The biggest care tip is that these plants like regular watering and fertilizing. They can tolerate some shade but will need at least 5-6 hrs. of sunlight for the best results. They are considered perennials in and around the Southwest regions, meaning they will come back […]
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Sharpen blades on lawn Mower
Sharpen Blades on lawn mower. Every year I get folks who ask me if they should sharpen blades on their lawn mower. This is what I say. ” Yes, it is important.” If the top of your grass looks brown after cutting in all probability it is caused by dull mower blades. Many maintenance landscapers […]
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Pothos Plant Care Tips
Pothos Plant Care tips – (Epipremnum aureum or Aureum). It is a beautiful indoor plant that goes by many names—hanging Ivy, Hunter’s Robe, Devil’s Ivy, and Gold Pothos. It can tolerate lots of shade and indoor light. It is native to the Pacific Islands Additionally, it is well stocked in most garden stores throughout the […]
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How to Care For Christmas Cacti
How to Care For Christmas Cacti. Keep reading this article and find out how to care for Christmas cacti. 5 Key Factors That Guarantee the Best Flowering Ever. The Christmas cactus is one of the most popular houseplants around the world. Honestly, there’s a perfectly valid reason for that. Namely, this beauty blooms and produces […]
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Types of Redbud Trees Southwest Landscaping
Redbud trees are excellent trees for small to medium-sized backyards. They are considered patio trees, but you can plant them where you want or need smaller trees for almost any reason.
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Watering Plants During Drought
Watering plants during drought season. Around the Southwest, the drought season is every year starting in late spring and lasting until mid-fall. The lakes are low and water rights are always going through legal maneuvering. A few clouds around the horizon but they rarely amount to anything. It is tough to conserve water when you […]
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What are the Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems and How to Fix Them?
Most Common Aloe Vera Plant Problems. In this article, we will talk about the most common aloe vera plant problems and how to fix them. Aloe barbadensis miller, well known as aloe Vera, is a succulent with Arabian Peninsula origins and with over 500 species worldwide. Like many other garden plants, aloe vera requires special […]
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Caring for Dallas Red Lantana Indoors
Caring for Dallas Red Lantana Indoors
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Red Yucca Plants
How to Take Care of Red Yucca Plants in Pots: Simple Tips for the Home Gardener In this article, we will talk about how to take care of red yucca. A little-known plant called red yucca can turn a backyard into an oasis. Red yucca is a succulent perennial that grows in dry climates and […]
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