Purple Verbena Plants
Purple Verbena Plants are beautiful cascading purple flowers great for Xeriscaping landscapes. This really nice-looking desert plant will do well in rock gardens or places where there is lots of hot sun. There are numerous types of Verbena plants and the one pictured above is the trailing variety. How big do Purple Verbena Plants Grow? […]
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Weeping Willow Landscape
The Weeping Willow Landscape tree – (Salix babylonica) A great tree for the Southwest. Nice long flowing branches that weep towards the ground, however, it will grow about 50 ft. tall and 40 ft. wide. It is one of the quickest growing trees in the Southwest area and it does like lots of water…it is […]
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Small Desert Plants
Small Desert Plants for the southwest. These small cactus plants are great for a small Xeriscape landscape design. Most will require little water and will tolerate full hot sun…perfect for those small hot places that are bare.
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How to grow Russian sage
How to grow Russian sage, also known as Perovskia atriplicifolia, isn’t too hard if you know what it needs. This hardy plant loves sunny spots and well-drained soil. It’s perfect if you don’t want to spend a lot of time watering or fussing. Once it’s established, it can handle dry conditions like a pro. Make […]
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Care of Knock Out Roses
The care of Knock Out roses Care of Knock Out Roses. These roses continually produce blooms all spring and throughout the fall seasons in the Southwest. They are self-cleaning this means very little dead-heading. The blooms are a bright candy apple red color. Plant them several in a row to make a gorgeous hedge or […]
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Fall Landscape Color
Fall Landscape Color. Get some landscape inspiration with these fall color trees and shrubs. These photos were taken in and around the southwest. Autumn is an exciting time to drive around the southwest countryside and enjoy the beautiful scenery. You can visit this website and see some of the greatest outdoor New Mexico scenery that […]
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A Secret Backyard Garden
A Secret Backyard Garden. Beautiful outdoor spaces are places to relax, feel inspired, and revel in the beauty of nature. Nothing is better for the heart or soul than time spent surrounded by beautiful living things. Fairytales always seem to feature a gorgeous palace garden or wildflower forest as the backdrop for the uplifting drama. […]
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Lilac Flowering Shrub
Lilac flowering shrub. Lilacs are tough hardy shrubs that are very fragrant during the mid-spring seasons. They will tolerate minus 40° weather! Types of lilacs in your yard or landscape. Many people think these plants will not survive the southwest summer heat, but they will look fantastic and bloom mainly in early spring. Water more […]
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6 Gardening Ideas for a Private Yard or a Pretty Garden
6 Gardening Ideas for a Private Yard or a Pretty Garden. With one-fourth of our planet being land, you might think people are spread out evenly throughout the world. However, the data compiled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shows that half of the world’s population lives on merely one percent of its land. When […]
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Evergreen Magnolia Trees
Evergreen Magnolia Trees (Magnoliaceae). Many folks think the Magnolia tree will not do well in the Southwest but actually, they do. Many think they need lots of water and humidity and this is partially true. In the Southwest, it is usually hot and dry and humidity levels are low except during the monsoon season. How […]
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