Mexican Petunia Plant
The Mexican Petunia Plant (Ruellia brittoniana) is sometimes called British Ruellia. It is a fast-growing easy-care perennial for Southwest landscaping. It comes back year after year without any problem. Propagating is a breeze just snip off a stem place it in water and soil and it will grow! Mexican Petunia Plant is easy to grow […]
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Wave Petunias for Color: plants for summer color
Wave Petunias for Color. One of the best types of petunias that will thrive and bloom from mid-spring until late fall in the desert Southwest is the wave Petunias. What makes these Petunias so special? Well, for one they will spread quickly and bloom throughout the summer months. You can plant them in the ground, […]
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Colorful petunia plants
Colorful petunia plants – Petunias are plants that have a wide range of color. They are good in garden boxes, hanging baskets, decorative pots or just planted in the ground. The colors and varieties are amazing. They are considered annuals and do not like freezing temperatures. Petunias come in Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora, and the Wave […]
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Great Flowering Color for Spring
Great Flowering Color for Spring. These flowering plants will bloom throughout the spring seasons. Some may last to late summer. Click on the photo for a larger photo. Many more plants will provide color throughout the spring seasons. Here are a few that will help you decide what to plant this spring. Color Your World […]
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