Paul Guzie

Redbud Trees Southwest Landscaping

Types of Redbud Trees Southwest Landscaping

Redbud trees are excellent trees for small to medium-sized backyards.  They are considered patio trees, but you can plant them where you want or need smaller trees for almost any reason.

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Xeriscape landscaping ideas

Watering Plants During Drought

Watering plants during drought season.  Around the Southwest, the drought season is every year starting in late spring and lasting until mid-fall. The lakes are low and water rights are always going through legal maneuvering.  A few clouds around the horizon but they rarely amount to anything. It is tough to conserve water when you […]

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Care of Spider Plant

Care of spider plants

The care of spider plants. What is so great about this plant?  Well, it is one tough plant that is easy to care for and it can adapt to almost any interior setting.  You can plant it in a pot, outdoors, in hanging baskets, or in wine barrels, and place them about anywhere indoors. However, […]

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Meyer Improved lemon

Growing Lemon and Lime Trees

Growing Lemon and Lime Trees in the Southwest Region? Will they survive? Arizona and Southern California are ideal places to grow and harvest Lemon and Lime trees.  But in the higher elevations of the Southwest, it is a challenge. The weather plays a huge role here. When winter temperatures drop below 32°F, outdoor growing becomes […]

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Philodendron Birkin Care

Philodendron Birkin plant care

A cool-looking plant for indoor decor with white stripes covering most of its waxy-looking leaves.  It will grow to about 3 ft. tall but fast-growing.  It is a hybrid that comes from two other types of Philodendrons.  And like most tropical plants it likes water and humidity.

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Best Way to Grow Cherry Tomatoes

The Best way to grow cherry tomatoes.  There are numerous ways to grow these sweet, delicious tomatoes.  You can grow them indoors, outdoors, in pots, and in garden beds. One main reason I love cherry tomatoes is that they are one of the easiest tomatoes to grow. They grow quickly and depending on the variety […]

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Install Real Grass

Install Real Grass

The 11 Best Reasons to Install Real Grass at Home Install Real Grass. If you’re like most people, you take pride in your home. You want it to look its best, both inside and out. One way to improve the appearance of your home is to install sod. Not only does sod add beauty and […]

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How to care for Cherry Tree

How to care for a Cherry Tree

How to care for a Cherry Tree.  Ahh… Cherry trees most fruit tree enthusiasts have a hard time growing these trees.  It does require a lot of thought and planning before going to your local nursery and purchasing the tree of your choice.  Cherry trees are Prunus “Cerasus” The Genus and Subgenus. How many chilling […]

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Passion Vine Care

Passion Vine Care

Passion Vine Care and where to plant (Passiflora caerulea).  Also called the Passion flower and the Maypop plant, why because the blooms pop in May.  There are many passion vines but this one is an excellent vine to plant in your garden and will do well in and around the Southwest. It is native to […]

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Aglaonema Plants

Diamond Aglaonema – How to care

Diamond Aglaonema plant care.  This plant is a beautiful evergreen houseplant grown for its lush foliage.  Green leaves with speckled soft white color in the middle.  Also called a Chinese Evergreen plant and can be found at most locally owned nurseries or greenhouses throughout the U.S. Aglaonema is a good plant to use indoors.  Some […]

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