Baja fairy duster plant
What is the Baja fairy duster plant? It is a plant that is native to southwest California and the northern part of Mexico. It goes by many names the chuparosa, tabardillo, zapotillo and its botanical name the Calliandra californica. It will grow about 4 maybe 5 ft. tall and wide. There are not too many […]
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Creeping Phlox Landscape
The creeping phlox for landscape. (Phlox subulata) is a stunning spring-blooming plant that works great as a low groundcover. Its dense, carpet-like growth spreads quickly, making it perfect for filling in small spaces and softening edges in your garden. The vibrant flowers, ranging from pink and purple to white, create a colorful blanket that attracts […]
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Snapdragon Plant Care
Snapdragon Plant Care. These plants are also called Antirrhinum, dragon flower or the Spanish name “Boca de dragón”. They will bloom throughout the spring seasons and into early summer. Once it gets hot, they start to fizzle out in the hot southwest summer heat. But to make them bloom longer and look better, try to […]
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Garden stock plants
Garden stock plants are also known as Matthiola incana plants. Commonly called Stock Plants, hoary Stock, or just Stock. These colorful plants are grown as annuals in the Southwest and other parts of the country. They are grown and used in flowering bed gardens and planted for their pleasant sweet smell and their wonderous flowering […]
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How to care for indoor plants
How to care for indoor plants. Most people will spend time indoors rather than outdoors during the winter or hot seasons. Here are some great ideas and tips to help you enjoy great-looking indoor plants throughout the cold or hot summer months. First, here is a list of indoor plants that are easy to care […]
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Design your perfect garden
Outdoor gardening is something that many do for a love of nature and for a chance to relax. Some do a little and are happy with that, but others take it much more seriously. They may come up with amazing garden designs that would take your breath away.
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Plants that attract bees
Apiphobia is the fear of bees, and many folks have this phobia. They run as soon as they see a bee in the vicinity and rightly so, but many will start to look for insecticide spray or fly swatter to kill it. The main reason a bee will sting is that it has been disturbed.
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A Guide to Lawn Care for Busy People
A Guide to Lawn Care. How often have you walked past a house with a neglected lawn? Probably too many times to count. With so many other commitments it’s easy to forget about the garden and let it become overrun with weeds or let it dry out so much that it looks like you’ve got […]
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Yarrow Plant Pictures Landscape
Yarrow Plant Pictures Landscape (Achillea millefolium) you can use for landscaping. These plants can be used in rock gardens or in any area that has full sun. The common Yarrow goes by many names, bloodwort, devil’s nettle, staunch weed, and many others. It will grow up to 2-3 ft. tall if conditions are just right. […]
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The Italian Cypress tree
This tree is a conifer meaning evergreen foliage it will grow up to 80 ft. tall and about 3-4 ft. wide. I’ve seen this tree in many landscaping scenes from new homes to state and city landscapes. But oftentimes newly planted ones will die due to improper care.
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