
Mexican Petunia Plant

The Mexican Petunia Plant (Ruellia brittoniana) is sometimes called British Ruellia.  It is a fast-growing easy-care perennial for Southwest landscaping.  It comes back year after year without any problem.  Propagating is a breeze just snip off a stem place it in water and soil and it will grow! A herbaceous perennial with a showy purple […]

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The Ocotillo Plant

The Ocotillo Plant

The Ocotillo Plant (Fouquieria splendens). It is an early spring blooming desert flowering plant.  Its long spiny limbs or stems will twist and turn out towards the sky.  It will look great in all desert landscapes and can tolerate poor sandy soil.  It is a plant that is indigenous to the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. They produce […]

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Hibiscus Plant varieties

Hibiscus plant species

Hibiscus plant species. The hardy Hibiscus plants love the hot Southwestern sun.  They also like humidity and moist soil.  It is not a drought tolerant plant but with a good drip system, it will thrive and produce dinner plate size flowers from late spring until late fall. Hibiscus plants are perennials Yes, they will come […]

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Red Crape Myrtles

Red Flowering Crape Myrtles

Red Flowering Crape Myrtles.  The enduring Summer Red Crape Myrtle. The thing about this Crape Myrtle is that it seems to bloom all summer long. And if you trim off the expired blooms it will bloom until mid-fall. Drought-resistant plants once they become established usually around the third year.   Red Flowering Crape Myrtles It […]

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Landscaping with Crape Myrtles

Learn how to grow and care for Crape Myrtles in and around the American Southwest.

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How to keep birds away from fruit trees

How to keep birds away from fruit trees

How to keep birds away from fruit trees.  Before we get ahead and find the right way to keep birds away from your fruit trees it is important to note that it is illegal to kill most migratory birds. Except for pigeons, house sparrows, and European starlings.  Each state has its laws and, it’s important […]

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How to block neighbors view of my yard

Block neighbors view of my yard

There are numerous large shrubs and trees that will help you block your neighbor’s view.  Most garden nursery stores will have these plants, but they are typically small to medium-sized plants.  If you are looking for super large almost full-grown plants, you might have to call your local landscapers. 

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The Golden Rain Tree

The Golden Rain Tree.  (Koelreuteria paniculata) A good looking small to medium-sized shade/ornamental tree.  It will grow about 30-40 tall and wide. It is considered an invasive tree species in places where there is lots of rain and moisture.  It produces lots of seed pods that are spread out during the fall season thus its […]

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Wave petunias for color

Wave Petunias for Color: plants for summer color

Wave Petunias for Color.  One of the best types of petunias that will thrive and bloom from mid-spring until late fall in the desert Southwest is the wave Petunias. What makes these Petunias so special? Well, for one they will spread quickly and bloom throughout the summer months.  You can plant them in the ground, […]

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Soil amendments for gardening

Soil amendments for gardening – Does gardening require soil amendments? Yes, it does.  The soil in the Southwest is poor.  We recommend Back to Earth Compost for planting trees, shrubs, and other larger outdoor-type plants.  We recommend using it at about a half-and-half ratio. Half native soil and the other Back to Earth compost or […]

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