Last updated on December 14th, 2024 at 03:11 pm
The Desert Willow Tree (Chilopsis linearis) is a low-watering and spring-blooming tree. It does well in the In dry arid areas of the Southwest. The leaf is long, narrow and curved thus its botanical name Linearis.
The one pictured below is the most common. There are several varieties that you can use for your desert landscaping needs. A true native Desert willow tree is prevalent along the arroyos and ditch banks of the desert southwest. Desert Willows are drought tolerant after the first year of planting. They propagate themselves when the seed pods dry and fall to the ground. USDA zones 7-9.
The natural or native desert willow is drought tolerant and provides long-lasting blooms. It is deciduous in the southwest with long purple trumpet-like flowers. Moderate grower up to 30ft. tall and 15ft wide. You can trim it for a great-looking medium-size shade tree or leave it alone for a multi-trunk type large shrub. Plant several of them in a row for a tremendous border-type shrub.
Burgundy Desert Willow
Below is the Chilopsis linearis ‘Burgundy’ desert willow. Very similar to the one above but the flowers are a darker burgundy color, thus it’s named. The height and width are the same as the native Desert Willow. More about this tree over at
The Timeless Beauty Desert Willow Tree (Chilopsis Linearis)
This is a drought-tolerant small desert tree and will do well in a desert landscape. Unlike the other Desert Willows mentioned above this one produces no seed pods and blooms longer than the regular Desert Willow. This means minimal cleanup or maintenance during the fall season.
Hummingbirds and butterflies love the trumpet-like blooms—a beautiful easy-care tree for rock landscapes or Xeriscape Gardens.
A good companion shrub for the Desert Willow Tree would be the Yellow Bird of Paradise plant.
Another good shrub is the Red Bird of Paradise plant
It is a longer, more colorful desert gardening smaller tree. Ask for them at your nearest Garden Store. Guzman’s Garden Centers will usually have this type of tree in stock during the spring and summer seasons. Will do well in USDA Zone: 7-9.
You can see pictures and more information over at website.
The Rio Salado Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis ‘Rio Salado’” is another variety that will grow about 15ft. tall and wide. It is drought-tolerant and produces bright purple flowers in early spring.
Check out our Xeriscape Landscaping Ideas Page.
Insects on Desert Willow Trees
Desert Willow trees are insect and disease-resistant, but they will sometimes develop problems. One insect that attacks these trees is the flathead borer. Keep your eye on borers underneath the bark this is where they will hide and do damage. It’s best to treat desert willow trees with systemic insecticides.
Spraying with dormant or agricultural oil during the late winter seasons will help keep insect larvae from hatching. Thus, fewer insects during the spring and summer seasons. Do this early every spring to keep the insect population at bay
The Bubba Desert Willows
A hybrid Desert Willow tree suited for hot climates it is named after Warren Jones, an author, dendrophile, and professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Arizona. Pink blooms and fewer seed pods to deal with. You can read more about these Hyrbrid trees that are adapted to arid dry climates at Nurserymag.
The “Sweet Bubba Jones” Desert Willow from Civano Nurseries. Larger blooms and dark burgundy color. This Hybrid Desert Willow is seedless.
Native Desert Willow Trees Lifespan
The desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) can live between 40 and 150 years, according to the USDA, a true native Desert Willows tree can live up to 100 years. However, for them to live over 100 years they must be cared for accordingly. This tree is native to the Southwestern U.S. and Northern Mexico and can grow in hot, sunny, dry areas that are below 5,000 feet in elevation.
Most of our desert trees come from Wholesale Nurseries and Civano Nursery.
Greenhouse Manager, Master Gardener, and Webmaster.
If you have any questions or enjoyed this post, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
which is the better tree for my Yuma Arizona climate. I cannot decide between Desert Willow or Jacaranda Tree.
Both trees have beautiful blooms. The Jacaranda Tree will bloom gorgeous purple fragrant blooms in October or so. They do not tolerate freezing temps. But in Yuma, they should do fine. They can grow up to 50ft. in 30-40 years or so. The Desert willow tree can tolerate freezing temperatures. They are hardy and the blooms will start in late April and well into mid-summer. The new hybrids have a deeper darker burgundy color. I would recommend the Jacaranda tree for your area.
Desert Willow Tree (Chilopsis linearis)
Is this tree safe for dogs? I have puppies that chew everything.
I really like shopping at your stores
Hello, Jann, The Desert willow trees are not poisonous. Matter of fact the blooms and seed pods are edible. They are safe trees for dogs, cats are other animals. You can also search for “Are Desert Willow trees Poisonous”? Your findings will collaborate with my reply.
Do you have native desert willows in stock? What other native plants do you carry? I want to add as many native plants as I can to my property.
Yes, we do have Desert Willows in stock. We also have native plants. Agaves, Ocotillos, Yuccas, and more. It is best to visit one of our stores at 540 N. Telshor or 270 Avenida de Mesilla to see what we currently have. More native plants arrive in late spring-early summer.
I’m wondering if a Desert Willow has a big root structure as I’m intending to plant one 2 feet from a wall I want it to grow in front of as well as a couple of sprinkler stations.
Are they able to be kept cut back at about 12-15 feet?