Paul Guzie
Spanish Broom Plant
The Spanish Broom Plant will do well in Xeriscape landscaping yards or landscapes that need low-water, maintenance-free shrubs. The bright yellow blooms will last about 3-4 weeks in early summer. After that, it is a green plant. Many landscapers will trim back this plant after it is done blooming.
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Penstemon plants landscape color
Penstemon plants for landscape color. They will bloom from early spring until mid-fall with the majority of flowers showing up all spring long. They tolerate sandy soils which makes them perfect for the southwest. These plants are also called “Beardtongues“. They are deciduous and the flowers can be used as a floral arrangement. Where to […]
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How to grow herbs
How to grow herbs How to grow herbs. Some folks have a hard time growing a large vegetable garden. Maintaining a herb garden is much easier and you can see results in a matter of weeks. You will have the constant availability of fresh, delicious herbs to flavor your meals with. They are one of […]
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Colorful petunia plants
Colorful petunia plants – Petunias are plants that have a wide range of color. They are good in garden boxes, hanging baskets, decorative pots or just planted in the ground. The colors and varieties are amazing. They are considered annuals and do not like freezing temperatures. Petunias come in Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora, and the Wave […]
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Choosing the Best Flowers for Your Window Boxes
Choosing the best flowers for your window boxes. Window boxes can be a beautiful addition to any home. They work well inside or outside and can be extremely easy to maintain year-round. The key to creating attractive window boxes is flower selection. Choosing the best flowers for flower window boxes can be a fun exercise for […]
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List Shade Loving Plants
List Shade Loving Plants. Often when I observe my landscape area I see shady spots and wonder what type of plant will do well in that area. You too have probably had those same thoughts. So without further ado here is a list of plants that like shade. Hostas all Varieties Hostas are grown for […]
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Difference Between Bird of Paradise Plants
There are many Bird of Paradise plants that grow around the Southwest. Learn how to know the difference.
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Pyracantha Varieties
Pyracantha varieties are quite versatile and interesting plants. When considering the nature of the pyracantha plant, one might wonder whether it is classified as a vine or a shrub. The truth is that it can be both. Pyracantha can be trained into a large, bushy shrub that can stand alone as a focal point in […]
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Patio Tree Roses
Patio Tree Roses. Tree roses make a stunning addition to any outdoor space. Their elegant, upright form fits beautifully in a decorative container, making them perfect for enhancing courtyards, patios, or even framing a front entrance. Placed strategically, they can create a welcoming focal point, adding both color and charm to the area. With their […]
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The Butterfly Bush
The Butterfly Bush. (Buddleia davidii). They like full sun or partial shade and lots of water for the first 2 years or so and are considered a perennial in the southwest. These beautiful plants have long spiky-like blooms and will grow in almost any soil but will do and look better with good organic compost. […]
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